Gloup LV4 Medication Lubricant Vanilla FORTE 500mL

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Gloup® is the first and only purpose designed medication lubricant available in Australia which makes medications and vitamin supplements such as tablets, capsules and powders easier to swallow.

*Gloup® Forte is the Only product on the market Level 4/pudding thickness classification

Gloup has no known drug interactions

Is designed to break down immediately once in the stomach, therefore having minimal or no impact on absorption

Can be used with whole or crushed medications (always seek the advice of a doctor or pharmacist prior to altering medication)

100% Natural ingredients

Does not contain lactose, gluten or gelatine

Has a low sugar option (Raspberry flavour only)

Has a long shelf-life – 60-day expiry once opened / 2-year unopened

Can be stored at room temperature or refrigerated

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